Development of Continuum-Atomistic Approach for Modeling Metal Irradiation by Heavy Ions
1 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980, Dubna, Russia
2 Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria
3 Mongolian State University of Science and Technology, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
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Published online: 14 February 2018
Over the last several decades active research in the field of materials irradiation by high-energy heavy ions has been worked out. The experiments in this area are labor-consuming and expensive. Therefore the improvement of the existing mathematical models and the development of new ones based on the experimental data of interaction of high-energy heavy ions with materials are of interest. Presently, two approaches are used for studying these processes: a thermal spike model and molecular dynamics methods. The combination of these two approaches – the continuous-atomistic model – will give the opportunity to investigate more thoroughly the processes of irradiation of materials by high-energy heavy ions. To solve the equations of the continuous-atomistic model, a software package was developed and the block of molecular dynamics software was tested on the heterogeneous cluster HybriLIT.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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