Time-based Reconstruction of Free-streaming Data in CBM
1 Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
2 Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
3 GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany
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Published online: 14 February 2018
Traditional latency-limited trigger architectures typical for conventional experiments are inapplicable for the CBM experiment. Instead, CBM will ship and collect time-stamped data into a readout buffer in a form of a time-slice of a certain length and deliver it to a large computer farm, where online event reconstruction and selection will be performed. Grouping measurements into physical collisions must be performed in software and requires reconstruction not only in space, but also in time, the so-called 4-dimensional track reconstruction and event building. The tracks, reconstructed with 4D Cellular Automaton track finder, are combined into event-corresponding clusters according to the estimated time in the target position and the errors, obtained with the Kalman Filter method. The reconstructed events are given as inputs to the KF Particle Finder package for short-lived particle reconstruction. The results of time-based reconstruction of simulated collisions in CBM are presented and discussed in details.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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