Resistance force pulsations of annular flow in the Couette-Taylor system with counter-rotating cylinders
1 Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics, 630090, 1 Acad. Lavrentiev ave., Novosibirsk, Russia
2 Novosibirsk State University, 630090, 1 Pirogova str., Novosibirsk, Russia
3 Novosibirsk State Technical University, 630073, Prospekt K. Marksa, Novosibirsk, Russia
* Corresponding author:
Published online: 14 January 2019
The paper presents the results of an experimental study of the Couette-Taylor flow fluctuations in a ring channel with oppositely rotating multicylinder rotors. Experiments were carried out using water-glycerine solutions as a working fluid. The rotation resistance moment and its pulsations were investigated, using the system for measuring the torque resistance of rotation of rotors, made in the form of a digital dynamometer based on a tension sensor. The investigations made it possible to establish that the classic dependence of the appearance of Taylor vortices is observed in the slit flow of a multicylinder system rotating oppositely. It was shown that in the range of Reynolds numbers Re = (100 – 500), pulsations of dissipative processes with variable frequency and amplitude up to 10% of the mean value of rotation resistance are observed.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2019
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