A milestone for DPM (Disk Pool Manager)
CERN - Esplanade des Particules 1, 1211 Geneva
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Published online: 17 September 2019
The DPM (Disk Pool Manager) system is a multiprotocol scalable technology for Grid storage that supports about 130 sites for a total of about 90 Petabytes online.
The system has recently completed the development phase that had been announced in the past years, which consolidates its core component (DOME: Disk Operations Management Engine) as a full-featured high performance engine that can also be operated with standardWeb clients and uses a fully documented REST-based protocol.
Together with a general improvement on performance and with a comprehensive administration command-line interface, this milestone also brings back features like the automatic disk server status detection and the volatile pools for deploying experimental disk caches.
In this contribution we also discuss the end of support for the historical DPM components (that also include a dependency on the Globus toolkit), whose deployment is now only linked to the usage of the SRM protocols, hence can be uninstalled when these are not needed any more by the site.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2019
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