Structure of superheavy hydrogen 7H
IGFAE – U. de Santiago de Compostela, E–15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
GANIL, CEA/DSM – CNRS/IN2P3, BP 55027, F–14076 Caen Cedex 5, France.
U. de Sevilla, E–41080 Sevilla, Spain.
Department of Physics, University of Regina, Regina, SK S4S 0A2, Canada.
KVI–CART, U. of Groningen, NL–9747 AA, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Instituut voor Kernen Stralingsfysica, KU Leuven, B–3001 Leuven, Belgium.
LPC de Caen, U. de Caen Basse–Normandie – ENSICAEN – CNRS/IN2P3, F–14050 Caen Cedex, France.
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, 6068502 Kyoto, Japan.
IPN Orsay, U. Paris Sud, IN2P3 – CNRS, F–91406 Orsay Cedex, France.
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Published online: 6 April 2020
The properties of nuclei with extreme neutron–to–proton ratios reveal the limitations of state-ofthe-art nuclear models and are key to understand nuclear forces. 7H, with six neutrons and a single proton, is the nuclear system with the most unbalanced neutron–to–proton ratio ever known, but its sheer existence and properties are still a challenge for experimental efforts and theoretical models. We report here the first measurement of the basic characteristics and structure of the ground state of 7H; they depict a system with a triton core surrounded by an extended four-neutron halo, built by neutron pairing, that decays through a unique four–neutron emission with a relatively long half-life. These properties are a prime example of new phenomena occurring in almost pure-neutron nuclear matter, beyond the binding limits of the nuclear landscape, that are yet to be described within our current models.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020
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