CP violation in charm
AGH, University of Science and Technology, Cracow
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Published online: 11 January 2022
The existence of CP violation in the decays of strange and beauty mesons is very well established experimentally. On the contrary, CP violation in the decays of charmed particles has been elusive for a long time and has been observed for the first time in 2019 by the LHCb experiment. Since then several studies have been performed in the charm sector. During the LHC Run 1 and Run 2, the LHCb collaboration has collected large samples containing charm hadron decays, on a scale never seen before. Collected data enabled physicists to obtain several new results, most of which surpassed previous results and became new world’s best measurements. Presently the LHCb spectrometer is being upgraded to enhance readout system, improve subdetector components and increase integrated luminosity to 50 fb−1 by the end of Run 4.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2022
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