Locating the special point of hybrid neutron stars
1 University of Wroclaw, 50-137 Wroclaw, Poland
2 Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR Dubna, 141980 Dubna, Russia
3 National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI), 115409 Moscow, Russia
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Published online: 11 January 2022
The special point is a feature unique to models of hybrid neutron stars. It represents a location on their mass–radius sequences that is insensitive to the phase transition density. We consider hybrid neutron stars with a core of deconfined quark matter that obeys a constant–sound–speed (CSS) equation of state model and provide a fit formula for the coordinates of the special point as functions of the squared sound speed (cs2) and pressure scale (A) parameters. Using the special point mass as a proxy for the maximum mass of the hybrid stars we derive limits for the CSS model parameters based on the recent NICER constraint on mass and radius of pulsar PSR J0740+6620, 0.36 < Cs min2 < 0.43 and 80 < A[MeV/fm3] < 160. The upper limit for the maximum mass of hybrid stars depends on the upper limit for cs2 so that choosing cs,max2 = 0.6 results in Mmax < 2.7 M⊙, within the mass range of GW190814.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2022
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