The Fragmented Glueball: A Personal View
Helmholtz–Institut für Strahlen– und Kernphysik der Universität Bonn, Nussallee 14-16, 53115 Bonn, Germany
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Published online: 11 January 2022
A coupled-channel analysis has been performed to identify the spectrum of scalar mesons. The data include BESIII data on radiative J/ψ decays into π0π0, KS KS, ηη, and ωϕ, 15 Dalitz plots from ¯N annihilation at rest at LEAR, the CERN-Munich multipoles for ππ elastic scattering, the S-wave from BNL data on ππ scattering into KS KS, from GAMS data on ππ π0π0; ηη, and ηη', and NA48/2 data on low-mass ππ interactions from K± → ππe±v decays. The analysis reveals the existence of ten scalar isoscalar resonances. The resonances can be grouped into two classes: resonances with a large SU(3) singlet component and those with a large octet component. The production of isoscalar resonances with a large octet component should be suppressed in radiative J/ψ decays. However, in a limited mass range centered at 1900MeV, these mesons are produced abundantly. Mainly-singlet scalar resonances are produced over the full mass range but with larger intensity at 1900MeV. The total scalar isoscalar yield in radiative decays into scalar mesons shows a clear peak which is interpreted as the scalar glueball of lowest mass.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2022
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