Symmetry Breakings in the interactions of Molecular Hydrogen with Solids
1 Université de Paris, France
2 SHYT, Storage of Hyperfine Hydrogen for Transport, France
3 Acadomia, Rennes, France
4 Laboratório de Óptica, Laser e Fotônica, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil
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Published online: 28 April 2022
The following conference report considers hydrogen gases with odd and even rotational quantum number as two separate gases, the ortho and para varieties which do not interconvert in absence of a catalyst. The physical catalysis of hydrogen is interpreted in terms of symmetry breakings introduced by the solid to pass round the peculiar selection rules of the molecular hydrogen assigned by the Pauli Principle. The catalytic effect presents the striking effect of reducing drastically the interconversion time, longer than the age of the universe for isolated molecules, to a few seconds or minutes when an hydrogen sample (gaseous or liquid) is brought into contact with an efficient catalyst. In the present report, the variety of new optical and electronic devices, measurements and interpretations that have been reported since the turning of the new century are reviewed. New experiments on non-magnetic catalysts measuring hydrogen conversion on the time scales of one-ten minutes turned upside down the previous theory, established in 1933, of the absolute necessity of a magnetic catalyst to break the Pauli Principle. The o-p catalyzed reaction is discussed for hydrogen molecules adsorbed on electric surfaces, or in confining porous structures or inside nanocages. New concepts and new electromagnetic conversion channels that interpret these experimental renewals are described in terms of how the hydrogen nuclei feel the solid-molecule electron cloud complex. The described channels differentiate one another owing to the catalyst and owing to the electronic path followed in the configuration space by the o-p reaction.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2022
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