The Second EWGRD Round Robin: Inter Comparison of Gamma Spectrometry Measurements on Activation Dosimeters
Jacobs Engineering, Gloucester, United Kingdom
CEA, Service d’études des réacteurs et de mathématiques appliquées, Université Paris-Saclay, France
CEA, DES, IRESNE, DER, Cadarache, F-13108 St-Paul-lez-Durance, France
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Škoda JS, Plzen, Czech Republic
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Research Centre Řež, Czech Republic
Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia
CEA, Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel, France
Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland
Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
NRG, Netherlands
SCK-CEN, Belgium
* Corresponding author:
Published online: 2 March 2023
Following an initial Round Robin inter-comparison of gamma spectrometry measurements reported in 2014, this paper presents results from the first part of a second Round Robin inter-comparison commissioned by the European Working Group on Reactor Dosimetry in 2018. Measurements were performed by thirteen European organisations on a set of irradiated neutron activation detectors representative of those commonly used by the Reactor Dosimetry community to measure neutron fluence using gamma spectrometry methods. The radionuclides measured were 110mAg, 58Co, 60Co, 54Mn, and 46Sc. The purpose of the exercise was to demonstrate the level of consistency between participating organisations in blind tests of measurements. The samples used were disks of iron, nickel, titanium, and two standard alloys of aluminium, one of 1% cobalt and the other 1% silver. They were irradiated in the MARIA reactor operated by National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland. Participants provided their results to an independent referee who collated and compared the data. The results are presented in an anonymised form together with discussion and conclusions which may be drawn from the exercise. Good agreement was obtained with standard deviations for individual measurements between 2.0% (54Mn) and 5.6% (60Co). Overall, the results obtained from the latter Round Robin show less consistency than those from the first Round Robin, which is attributed to the participation of a wider pool of organisations.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2023
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