Neutron star structure with nuclear force mediated by hypothetical X17 boson
1 Czech Technical University in Prague -Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics
2 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
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Published online: 10 September 2021
A reported 17 MeV boson, which has been proposed as an explanation to the 8Be and 4He anomaly, is investigated in the context of its possible influence to neutron stars structure. Implementing a mX =17 MeV to the nuclear equation of state using different incompressibility values K0=245 MeV and K0=260 MeV and solving Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations, we estimate an upper limit of MTOV ≈ 2.4M⊙ for a non rotating neutron star with span in radius R between 11.5 km to 14 km. Moving away from pure -NN with admixture of 10% protons and simulating possible softening of equation of state due to hyperons, we see that our estimated limits fit quite well inside the newest reported studies, coming from neutron stars merger event, GW190814
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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