Thermal properties of hot and dense matter: Influence of rapid rotation on protoneutron stars, hot neutron stars, and neutron star merger remnants
Department of Theoretical Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
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Published online: 10 September 2021
The knowledge of the equation of state is a key ingredient for many dynamical phenomena that depend sensitively on the hot and dense nuclear matter, such as the formation of protoneutron stars and hot neutron stars. In order to accurately describe them, we construct equations of state at FInite temperature and entropy per baryon for matter with varying proton fractions. This procedure is based on the momentum dependent interaction model and state-of-the-art microscopic data. In addition, we investigate the role of thermal and rotation effects on microscopic and macroscopic properties of neutron stars, including the mass and radius, the frequency, the Kerr parameter, the central baryon density, etc. The latter is also connected to the hot and rapidly rotating remnant after neutron star merger. The interplay between these quantities and data from late observations of neutron stars, both isolated and in matter of merging, could provide useful insight and robust constraints on the equation of state of nuclear matter.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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