
EPJ B Highlight - Scheduling meetings: Are the odds in your favour?

Histogram of probabilities πi that a poll will yield exactly i viable meeting times. Credit: K. Brown et al.

The results of an exploration of the mathematical theory behind Doodle polls that began in jest may be applicable to many other situations that require consensus-building.

If you often schedule meetings, you are likely to know how difficult it is to pick a time that suits everyone. Furthermore, the advent of tools like Doodle can make it harder: all too often, a poll will ‘fail’ with no mutually acceptable slot found. It would surely be useful to know the probability that a poll with a given number of participants and slots will generate a suitable time.

Three US-based theoretical physicists have now generated mathematical models of this problem and published them in EPJ B. “Our study began almost as a joke, when we were irritated by the growing number of polls we had to complete”, says first author Harsh Mathur from Case Western University, Cleveland, OH. “But we found that the models we produced were mathematically sophisticated and could be useful more widely.”

These models use simple variables - the number of slots offered, the number of participants and the fraction of slots when each is available - to generate the probability that at least one viable meeting time will be found. “We found that the number of time slots needed to produce a solution grows exponentially with the number of participants”, explains author Onuttom Narayan of the University of California, Santa Cruz, CA. “And, if you make sensible assumptions about availability during a working week, for example, the probability of finding a time that will suit five or more people will be vanishingly small.”

The physicists also found that if the number of participants is large enough, there will come a point as the fraction of slots that each can attend is increased when the probability of success switches abruptly from near zero to near one. This effect resembles a phase transition in physical chemistry, when (for example) steady heating causes a solid to suddenly melt.

Furthermore, author Katherine Brown of Hamilton College, New York adds, “Any problem that requires stakeholders to reach consensus may benefit from this approach... this might include, for example, a climate conference in which every nation must agree on the final report”.

Brown, K., Mathur, H. & Narayan, O. Scheduling meetings: are the odds in your favor? Eur. Phys. J. B 97:120 (2024).

This was our first experience of publishing with EPJ Web of Conferences. We contacted the publisher in the middle of September, just one month prior to the Conference, but everything went through smoothly. We have had published MNPS Proceedings with different publishers in the past, and would like to tell that the EPJ Web of Conferences team was probably the best, very quick, helpful and interactive. Typically, we were getting responses from EPJ Web of Conferences team within less than an hour and have had help at every production stage.
We are very thankful to Solange Guenot, Web of Conferences Publishing Editor, and Isabelle Houlbert, Web of Conferences Production Editor, for their support. These ladies are top-level professionals, who made a great contribution to the success of this issue. We are fully satisfied with the publication of the Conference Proceedings and are looking forward to further cooperation. The publication was very fast, easy and of high quality. My colleagues and I strongly recommend EPJ Web of Conferences to anyone, who is interested in quick high-quality publication of conference proceedings.

On behalf of the Organizing and Program Committees and Editorial Team of MNPS-2019, Dr. Alexey B. Nadykto, Moscow State Technological University “STANKIN”, Moscow, Russia. EPJ Web of Conferences vol. 224 (2019)

ISSN: 2100-014X (Electronic Edition)

© EDP Sciences