
EPJ E Highlight - Active Brownian particles have four distinct states of motion

Switching between locked and running states

Depending on the friction and external bias forces they experience, self-propelled Brownian particles will take on one of four possible states of motion. The discovery could help researchers to draw deeper insights into the behaviours of these unique systems in nature and technology.

Active Brownian motion describes particles which can propel themselves forwards, while still being subjected to random Brownian motions as they are jostled around by their neighbouring particles. Through new analysis published in EPJ E, Meng Su at Northwestern Polytechnical University in China, together with Benjamin Lindner at Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany, have discovered that these motions can be accurately described using four distinct mathematical patterns.

Active Brownian particles can be found across a diverse array of scenarios in nature: from sub-cellular structures pulled along by biomolecular motors, to movements of entire herds of animals, which can act collaboratively to find food or evade predators more easily. Recently, researchers developed artificial particles which behave in strikingly similar ways to their natural counterparts – presenting exciting new opportunities in medicine robotics, and many other fields of cutting-edge research. Ultimately, Su and Lindner’s discoveries could lead to fascinating new insights into how these systems behave.

The motions of Active Brownian particles are already known to depend on the friction they experience, as well as external bias forces, which skew their paths in specific directions. Using computer simulations active Brownian systems, backed up by simple calculations, Su and Lindner discovered that variations in these two parameters can force the systems into one of four possible states.

When a balance emerges between biased active driving forces, and the friction experienced by a particle, it will enter a ‘locked’ state – confining its motion to a small region. When its driving force instead dominates over friction, the particle will move persistently in a mostly straight line: entering a ‘driving’ state. Alternatively, the particle can switch back and forth between locked and running states, or between two different running states. When the system is subjected to random noise, the average speed of the particles will change depending on the intensity of the noise – but their motions still stay in one of these four states.

Su, M., Lindner, B. Active Brownian particles in a biased periodic potential. Eur. Phys. J. E 46, 22 (2023).

This was our first experience of publishing with EPJ Web of Conferences. We contacted the publisher in the middle of September, just one month prior to the Conference, but everything went through smoothly. We have had published MNPS Proceedings with different publishers in the past, and would like to tell that the EPJ Web of Conferences team was probably the best, very quick, helpful and interactive. Typically, we were getting responses from EPJ Web of Conferences team within less than an hour and have had help at every production stage.
We are very thankful to Solange Guenot, Web of Conferences Publishing Editor, and Isabelle Houlbert, Web of Conferences Production Editor, for their support. These ladies are top-level professionals, who made a great contribution to the success of this issue. We are fully satisfied with the publication of the Conference Proceedings and are looking forward to further cooperation. The publication was very fast, easy and of high quality. My colleagues and I strongly recommend EPJ Web of Conferences to anyone, who is interested in quick high-quality publication of conference proceedings.

On behalf of the Organizing and Program Committees and Editorial Team of MNPS-2019, Dr. Alexey B. Nadykto, Moscow State Technological University “STANKIN”, Moscow, Russia. EPJ Web of Conferences vol. 224 (2019)

ISSN: 2100-014X (Electronic Edition)

© EDP Sciences